Slowly i’m heading toward, hopefully one last large step in solving my remaining last problems, left after my accident. In the past 14 years (and 2 days), I’ve made a lot of steps, but every time I had to take some steps back as well. Now since a few years I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s okay to take steps forward and take steps back, so that’s not a problem anymore.
The problem lies in the fact that taking steps, either forward or back, cost me a lot of energy, which causes a lot of irritability. This irritability makes me very easily agitated and short-fused. I hope that the combination of diet, vitimins, mindfullness, massage and neurotraining(feedback) will help me find some more rest in my mind, so I can provide my dear family with an emotional more stable partner and father.
The next 2 weeks (2*5days) I’ll be spending in Lemele, the training facility of Move the Brain. I’ll try to write down my findings and my adventures here, for your information.
Heel veel sterkte en succes met de komende training👍
Hoop dat het je geeft wat je hoopt, rust😃